Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Jan. 7 and 8

Jan. 7 - Yesterday was pretty uneventful. Just watched part of the return of one of my all time favorite shows! American Gladiators! Don't know why, but I have always loved this show. Mondays on NBC. Check it out. I received my new lens filter in the mail, but my lens was shipped separately, so I couldn't play. Took some pictures of Ava playing around with her blocks and a few pictures of her playroom just to play around with depth of field a little. As you can see, my house is being taken over by "Little People."

Jan. 8 - Today was a long day made even longer by the tornadoes that came through. School wasn't even dismissed until almost 4 so I was stuck with a bunch of ticked off kids who wanted to go home no matter what. Newbern didn't get hit, but a town not too far away received some damage. I haven't heard how much so hopefully I will see something about it on the news tonight. New lens arrived today, but I was really too exhausted to play. Here is one picture from it though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gotta' love those Little People! They are oh so cute, as well as virtually indestructible! That's what makes them such perfect toys for "Little People" like Miss Ava! Gotta' love her, too! :)
