Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week 4 Catch Up

Jan. 22 - Just a couple of shots of two things that I love about my dining room.
Jan. 23 - Ava with her little friend, Jenna.

Jan. 24 - Getting ready to go eat Chinese Food. Ava loves the food! The night before she had devoured some Tilapia that I had baked!Jan. 25 - This little series of pictures is just funny to me. Santa brought Ava this Little People nativity set for Christmas. She got so many that we were planning on putting it up until Christmas next year so Bradley had put it in the corner beside the couch. Ava just loved going and looking at it and walking all over the box. Bradley eventually moved it to the kitchen and I was about to carry it upstairs when I heard it rattling. Turns out that when Ava is messing with the box, she has been shoving stuff down inside the box. It contains 3 extra little people who have been shoved in, a couple of handfuls of fruits loops, an old apple slice, and what appears to be a french fry. It was hilarious when I discovered all of her handiwork!

Jan. 26 - My brother and his son, Trayton. Love, Love, Love this picture!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Jan. 21

How I enjoy holidays from school. Today was Ava's first trip to the dentist. You can read all about it at . Here is a picture of her injury:

And her is a picture of my hair from two weeks ago. Bethany, here it is finally!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Catch Up...

Jan. 17th - Bradley has been busy every night fixing these calendars for customers at work. I stalked him for a little while and since Ava was in bed, I stalked the animals.

Jan. 20th - Ava thinks she is such a big girl sitting at the dining room table. I took these pictures of her making faces today.

Week 3 Catch Up

Jan. 13 - Ava's 17 month birthdayJan. 14
Jan. 15th - Focus on the "Sassy" which right now it is hard to make it without!

Jan. 16th - Hawaiian day at school - first real self-portrait (taken in the mirror and I could not get my camera to focus)
I will continue week 3 later...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Catch Up

I've gotten a little behind on my photo of the day, mainly because I have spent some extra time with Bradley and Ava. In fact, I didn't even turn the computer on all day Thursday or Friday and it was so relaxing. I didn't even pick up my camera on Thursday and I did pick it up on Friday, but it was my old point and shoot for a quick picture of my new haircut. I'll try to get that posted later. Anyway, I have been playing with my new lens and here are a couple of pictures using it.

Jan. 9 - This quote is actually from today's challenge, but it fit more into the pic I took on Wednesday night. I was downstairs by myself, savoring the quiet after Ava is asleep. I had shut of the lights and it just struck me how peaceful our living room looked with just the light shining in from the dining room. I sit for a while in the parlor and just enjoyed the quiet. Then I grabbed my camera and took this shot.
Savor life's tiny delights---a crackling fire, a glorious sunset, a hug from a child, a walk with a friend, a cup of soup, a kiss behind the ear.
John Anthony
Jan. 12 - I have been back on a book buying kick again. I don't know why, just a couple of months ago, I actually weeded through my collection and donated 3/4 of it to the library. These are some recent purchases. I also bought a new one last night that I can't wait to get into. Plus I am so excited about Stephen King's upcoming novel! Such a huge range of tastes!
And here's one of my babe engrossed in the amazing channel, Noggin. *Props to you, Noggin, for going 24 hours!*

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Jan. 7 and 8

Jan. 7 - Yesterday was pretty uneventful. Just watched part of the return of one of my all time favorite shows! American Gladiators! Don't know why, but I have always loved this show. Mondays on NBC. Check it out. I received my new lens filter in the mail, but my lens was shipped separately, so I couldn't play. Took some pictures of Ava playing around with her blocks and a few pictures of her playroom just to play around with depth of field a little. As you can see, my house is being taken over by "Little People."

Jan. 8 - Today was a long day made even longer by the tornadoes that came through. School wasn't even dismissed until almost 4 so I was stuck with a bunch of ticked off kids who wanted to go home no matter what. Newbern didn't get hit, but a town not too far away received some damage. I haven't heard how much so hopefully I will see something about it on the news tonight. New lens arrived today, but I was really too exhausted to play. Here is one picture from it though.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Bringing Home Baby

I got an e-mail from my cousin and he was excited to announce that he and his family are being featured in an upcoming episode of TLC's Bringing Home Baby. I have my TiVo set and I am ready to see Venice on the big screen. Here is the info from his episode:

Jan 08, 20083:00 pm(30 minutes)Bringing Home Baby Big World, Little Baby (Episode 356)TV-G Jeff and Signe approach life in different ways. Dad likes to be in control while mom tends to go with the flow. Once they bring home their newborn daughter, Venice, will this couple be able to ignore their differences and pull together as a team?

Tune in tomorrow!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 5 and 6

Jan. 5 - T drove a total of about 7 hours yesterday, and I am worn out. Ava and I left a sick Daddy at home and headed up to KY to visit Mammaw and go to Leah's baby shower. The day started with a horrible urinary tract infection for me and ended with a horrible diaper rash from Ava. Picture of the day is of my brother's dog Fred.
Jan. 6 - Lazy Day - At least I showered and cleaned up a little. This is what I see of Ava so much. Little hands that are curious and into everything. That especially includes things she knows or thinks are edible.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Jan. 3 and 4

School started back yesterday for students and I have pretty much the same kids as last semester. I have a couple of new faces and all the same old ones. They are a pretty good group though. I have continued with my POTD (Photo of the Day) and will be trying to post every other day. Here are my posts from yesterday and today.

Jan. 3 - Ava actually fell asleep on my lap at 8 and slept through the night even after carrying her up to bed.

Jan. 4 - Today's inspirational quote from Anna was, "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are." Mary Jean Irion. So for today's POTD I took a couple of pictures of things that say everyday life to me. The first is of one of Ava's mega blocks strewn across the house. By the end of the day if our house is not torn to pieces, then we have not had a normal day. The other picture is taken from behind Ava's playpen and she is watching Backyardigans. She is purposefully out of focus in the background, because on any day, she is always in the background of all my thoughts.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Jan. 1 and Jan. 2

Here are my pictures from Jan. 1 and 2. I took tons of pictures on the 1st, but today, I had to make myself get the camera out and then took several. The ones I took weren't that great, but I took a few in different modes on my camera to test the waters. So here they are.

Jan. 1

Jan. 2 - I know this picture is crazy and out of focus, but it just speaks to me. It says, "Busy," just like my little girl.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Welcome to my new "Me" Blog. On this blog you will find more about me, instead of my family blog which centers around Ava. I am going to try to participate in the 365 Day Challenge and take a picture everyday. Not sure yet if they will be self-portraits or what everyday. Off to start!